Over 14 Million Major Medical Conditions Linked To Smoking (Photo : Flickr)

The World Health Organization called for a comprehensive ban on tobacco advertising in China on Thursday to reduce the number of smokers.

Even as there was little clarity on how Rajasthan would implement its decision to bar tobacco consumers from government jobs without a legal backing, officials here said the move was just to keep p

Countless studies and health reports have discussed the dangers of smoking--a nasty habit that can drastically increase the risk of lung cancer and other serious health issues.

State Tobacco Control Departmentcollects over Rs.57 lakh fine in six years

The objective of the study was to examine the dose-dependent and time-specific relationships of prenatal smoking with neonatal body mass, fat mass (FM), fat-free mass (FFM), and FM-to-FFM ratio, as measured by air-displacement plethysmography (PEA POD system).

Prediction of mortality has focused on disease and frailty, although antecedent biomarkers may herald broad physiological decline. Olfaction, an ancestral chemical system, is a strong candidate biomarker because it is linked to diverse physiological processes. We sought to determine if olfactory dysfunction is a harbinger of 5-year mortality in the National Social Life, Health and Aging Project [NSHAP], a nationally representative sample of older U.S. adults. 3,005 community-dwelling adults aged 57–85 were studied in 2005–6 (Wave 1) and their mortality determined in 2010–11 (Wave 2).

Evidence supporting a link between postnatal environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure and cognitive problems among children is mounting, but inconsistent. The researchers examined the relationship between ETS exposure, measured using urine cotinine, and IQ scores in Korean school-aged children.

Public health experts, on Monday, stressed the need for strict enforcement of tobacco control laws, rather than just creating awareness on its harmful effects to deter people from smoking.

AURANGABAD: Better education and socio-economic status have had little impact on the health profile of the city's youth.
