E-cigarettes can contain higher amounts of certain toxins than regular cigarettes, according to U.S. scientists.

India has slipped to 136th position in the list of 198 countries that warn smokers about the hazards of smoking through graphic pictures on cigarette packages.

In the present work, the effect of exposure to cigarette smoke on male fertility in rats, as characterized by changes in the relative weight of sex organs, epididymal sperm count, activity of marker enzymes and DNA damage was evaluated. Exposure of rats to cigarette smoke caused a gradual decrease in total body weight gain and relative weight of the epididymis and seminal vesicles by 30 and 40% respectively. Epididymal sperm count was reduced significantly by 25% (P ≤ 0.05) after 2 weeks and by 41% (P ≤ 0.001) after 4 weeks of exposure.

The World Health Organization says there should be a ban on the use of e-cigarettes indoors and that sales to children should stop.

UN agency seeks curbs on indoor use, advertising, sales to minors

Parts of Europe are reaching a "tipping point" where cardiovascular disease is no longer the leading cause of death, a study shows.

LIKE the enforcement of law against commercial motorcycle operation in major parts of Lagos, the police in Lagos are gearing up to put anyone found smoking in public places in the metropolis behind

Electronic-cigarettes (electronic nicotine delivery systems-ENDS), the new fad among tobacco users, are all set to be banned in India.

Around 15,000 people die of tobacco consumption in Nepal every year, a report says.

Japan’s smoking rate has dropped below 20 percent for the first time, according to a new survey, as a recent rise in cigarette prices helped to further discourage the habit.
