OVERTURNING age-old fears, free trade is now being seen as the market miracle that will bail out the earth from the environmental mess it finds itself in; free trade is expected to bring about the

An Australian tree offers wood that can replace teak for furniture

THE INTERNATIONAL Institute of Environment and Development (IIED) in London has been conducting research on environment- and development-related policy issues for the past 20 years. Policies for a

The NISGA: are fighting with the British Columbian government to be recognised as a community. They came to Rio to "tell the world about their problems"

The mother of all summits grabbed a good deal of telecast time recently

Today's neo Malthusians have acquired a fashionable new fig leaf: environmentalism. And Robert McNamara's recent talk in Delhi was an eloquent expression of this trend

THE US National Cancer Institute plans to test nationwide a drug called taihoxifen that might prevent breast cancer, lower the number of deaths from heart attacks and reduce the number of broken

SCIENTISTS are now advocating that harvesting locally used medicinal plants from tropical forests could be more lucrative than clearing the land for farming or growing timber. When compared to other
