KENDRAPARA: Emergence of baby Olive Ridley marine turtles along Gahirmatha beach on Odisha's coast has provided relief to conservationists.

Reptiles being sold openly and illegally in Moroccan markets

The southern coast of Java — from Pelabuhan Ratu in the west to Puger Beach at the Indonesian island’s eastern tip — is an important breeding ground for sea turtles.

The oil spill near Ennore Port will have a long-term impact on the marine eco-system, fear researchers. With January and Febru researchers.

Determining location and timing of ontogenetic shifts in the habitat use of highly migratory species, along with possible intrapopulation variation in these shifts, is essential for understanding mechanisms driving alternate life histories and assessing overall population trends. Measuring variations in multi-year habitat-use patterns is especially difficult for remote oceanic species.

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Previous studies have shown that the world’s largest reptile – the leatherback turtle Dermochelys coriacea – conducts flexible foraging migrations that can cover thousands of kilometres between nesting sites and distant foraging areas. The vast distances that may be travelled by migrating leatherback turtles have greatly complicated conservation efforts for this species worldwide.

KARACHI: Dozens of freshwater turtles were found dead on Saturday along a lake in Sukkur where they were released a week ago, it emerged on Sunday.

He's over 100 years old, but his sex life is the stuff of legend. Diego the Tortoise is quite the ladies' man, and his exploits have helped save his species from extinction.

The monument, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is home to more than 7,000 marine species, including endangered sea turtles, whales, Hawaiian monk seals, Laysan albatross, Pritchardia palms, and severa

The first ever Zoohackathon will convene this October 7-9 across six zoos in the US, Europe, Asia and Pacific.
