Response by Ramky Enviro Engineers Ltd in the matter of T. M. Umshanakar Vs Union of India & Othes dated 11/02/2022.

An application was filed alleging violations by Ramky Enviro Engineers in setting up and running of integrated common hazardous waste treatment storage and disposal facility at Karnataka waste management project.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Almitra H. Patel & Others Vs Union of India & Others dated 04/02/2022.

Status report by Gobichettipalayam Municipality in Original Application No 99 of 2017 (SZ). The matter related to shifting of the Gobichettipalayam compost yard to some other place as it is causing environment pollution to nearby areas.

Unsustainable consumption, driven by the increasing extraction of raw materials, manufacturing, and production, is contributing to environmental degradation and the acceleration of climate change. In developing Asia, consumption trends will continue to rise as populations and economies grow.

Globally, safe waste management services for healthcare waste are lacking, especially in least developed countries. The latest available data (from 2019) indicate that 1 in 3 healthcare facilities globally do not safely manage healthcare waste.

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change vide its notification dated 18th January 2022 has notified the Draft Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2022 through which it has widen the scope of the definitions and increased the responsibility of plastic manufacturers and importers in India.

Plastics were first developed in 1907 with the discovery of Bakelite, a synthetic polymer that could be easily massproduced. This invention led to countless innovations and new products as plastics became an essential material of the global economy. In 1989 the world produced about 100 million tonnes (Mt) of plastic every year.

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Central Zone Bench, Bhopal) in the matter of Vikram Denwar Vs M/s India Waste Management Pvt. Ltd. & Others dated 10/01/2022.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Hem Singh Yog, Deendayal Upadhyay Vichar Manch Vs State of Uttar Pradesh dated 05/01/2021. The application seeks execution of NGT Order, March 4, 2021 on the issue of remedying unscientific legacy waste dumped near Nagla Kolhu in Mathura Municipal Council/TTZ area.

Guidelines for Poultry farms were developed in the year 2015, which was applicable to poultry farms handling above 1.0 lac birds. As per CPCB classification of industrial sectors, ‘Poultry, Hatchery and Piggery’ are categorized into ‘Green’. In the matter of O.A. No.
