For the 189 families of Laporiya village in Jaipur district, Rajasthan, trees and dykes are part of the family

For the first time in two decades, Australia is reeling under a water crunch. Restrictions on water use have been imposed on Melbourne residents. Environment minister Sherryl Garbutt has directed the

Dual flush systems could help save a flood of water, proves research

NAMMAL MUDIYUM . Produced by Srinivas Youngmen's Association of Triplicane . 30 minutes Nammal Mudiyum in English means "We can do it". That's exactly the message of

The Dead Sea could end up living up to its name in less than 50 years. The saltiest water body in the world may cease to exist if its surface level continues to recede at the present rate of one

Chennai shores up its laws to curb groundwater depletion, with renewed emphasis on rainwater harvesting

Citizens approaching the courts for protecting lakes in cities is all very well. But in the end, it is a choice between using land for water or real estate a choice that has to be made. The Centre for Science and Environment

Anyone will tell you that follow-ups are not a story. Journalism is not about
