Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Shailesh Singh Vs Hotel Holiday Regency, Moradabad & Others dated 03/01/2019 regarding depletion of ground water. The Applicants have informed the Court that MoWR has clearly acted contrary to the mandate of the judgement of the Supreme Court as well as orders of the NGT requiring regulation of ground water, particularly for the OCS areas.

Watershed: A New Era of Water Governance in China represents a turning point, providing a practical set of recommendations to inform Government’s ongoing institutional reforms related to water management in the era of an ecological civilization.

In recent decades, many countries in sub-Saharan Africa have pursued national water permit systems, derived from the colonial era and reinforced by “global best practice.” These systems have proved logistically impossible to manage and have worsened inequality in water access.

This paper is part of an ongoing collaboration between the World Bank and the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization to raise awareness about the importance of water management in fragile systems and to propose strategic responses.