Project launched in J&K

Groundwater sustains almost 60 per cent of the irrigated land in India. Most districts in India today have larger shares of irrigated land under groundwater irrigation than under surface water irrigation. This ominous change in water use patterns in Ind

One man s battle to save a village economy

The Center proposes to consolidate all watershed programmes under a single ministry. The aim of the new programme, called Hariyali, is to streamline work and avoid duplication. "I am totally in

In theory, rainwater harvesting can drought proof every village in India. In theory, drought proofing requires strong and functioning village level institutions. Travelling through Chattisgarh state officially declared drought hit gives me a chance to s

The concept of water harvesting is catching like wild fire across the length and breadth of the nation. For those interested in knowing more about the concept and how to implement it, this is the right site. Watershed Organisation Trust wotr based in Ah

Recurrent droughts and floods coupled with mass poverty, chronic unemployment and pervasive malnutrition are the major challenges before India. The Union government usually responds by complaining about truant rains and doles out funds in an arbitrary man

Anyone will tell you that follow-ups are not a story. Journalism is not about

Flood Studies in India brings to fore several aspects of this natural disaster that are not yet conventional wisdom in policy circles. The book looks at floods from a variety of expertise areas, such

Successful cooperatives compel Maharashtra government to hand over control of irrigation facilities to farmers
