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Windhoek — According to the latest statistics, Namibia's anti-poaching unit is proving a success with the country only having recorded three cases of rhino poaching this year.

Animal traffickers are taking advantage of remote ivory trade routes to smuggle pangolins - one of the world's most endangered animals - out of Central Africa, a new study has found.

Kenya is experiencing a sharp decline in elephant and rhino poaching, a senior government official said on Tuesday.

The remaining 20 per cent of NPV will be utilised for strengthening the forest and wildlife-related infrastructure, capacity building of personnel of state forest departments and other associated a

Female orangutans are occasionally killed for their young, which are sold on as pets, while others are killed for food or for venturing onto plantations or into gardens.

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have great potential for surveying wildlife, especially species that assemble in large numbers and that are easily disturbed by human presence.

Four mammals – including the northern hairy-nosed wombat and the numbat – have been upgraded to endangered or critically endangered on the updated Australian threatened species list published on Th

Judiciary said Iranian-Canadian professor was a Mossad agent who committed suicide in prison, though his family dispute this. Photograph: AFP/Getty Images

Democratic Republic of Congo's oil minister on Thursday defended the country's right to explore for oil anywhere on its territory after media reports that President Joseph Kabila approved drilling

This paper estimates the elasticity of elephant poaching with respect to prices. To identify the supply curve, the authors observe that ivory is a storable commodity and hence subject to Hotelling's no-arbitrage condition. The price of gold, one of many commodities used as stores of value, is thus used as an instrument for ivory prices.
