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A senior Tanzanian government official on Sunday voiced concerns over Lake Manyara’s diminishing water levels, calling for more efforts to save the key tourist attraction from drying up.

Yaguas National Park is home to more than 3,000 species of plants, 500 species of birds and 160 species of mammals Andes Amazon Fund

An initiative designed to protect environmental defenders around the world from threats, intimidation, harassment and murder was launched Tuesday by the United Nations Environment Program.

NAIROBI - Demonstrators plan to protest against a railway line being built inside Nairobi National Park, which they say threatens wildlife and people in Kenya, after their case was dismissed on Tue

Describing vocal repertoires represents an essential step towards gaining an overview about the complexity of acoustic communication in a given species. The analysis of infant vocalisations is essential for understanding the development and usage of species-specific vocalisations, but is often underrepresented, especially in species with long inter-birth intervals such as the white rhinoceros. Thus, this study aimed for the first time to characterise the infant and juvenile vocal repertoire of the Southern white rhinoceros and to relate these findings to the adult vocal repertoire.

Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of Wildlife Trust of India & Others Vs Union of India & Others dated 07/03/2018 regarding land claims under the provisions of the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 hurting forest and wildlife interests.

Supreme Court directs all the State Governments to file an affidavit indicating :-

Tourism activities occurring on communal lands such as Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) are increasing in Tanzania. This is the result of natural resources governance reforms aimed to empower communities to manage and benefit directly from resources found in their jurisdictions. This article explores the impacts of taxes imposed on tourism activities occurring on communal lands and the emerging politics of resource and revenue sharing among WMA member villages. In the process, we use empirical data gathered from two WMAs in northern Tanzania between 2006 and 2016.

Monitoring flying-foxes is challenging as their extreme mobility produces highly dynamic population processes, considerable logistic difficulty, and variability in estimated population size. We report on methods for inferring population trend for the population of the spectacled flying-fox (Pteropus conspicillatus) in Australia.

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South African ranchers launched an online market for rhino horn on Monday, saying the open trade would help squeeze poachers out of the business.

Lusaka — Zambia has launched drones surveillance in its national parks to curb poaching.
