Wed, 2014-12-03 (All day)
06 Mar 2013

Catalysing safe design for public spaces should be among the top priorities to make cities safe for women, children and the elderly

Prolonged civil war has resulted in very poor governance and a battered economy and environment in Afghanistan. Firewood is the primary source of household energy in Afghanistan.

A special report on the succesful micro-financed solar energy systems programme by Grameen Shakti in Bangladesh's rural areas. This is perhaps worlds's fastest growing rural renewable energy programme managed by Grameen Shakti with an extensive on-the-ground presence and service network of 1,159 offices staffed by 8,975 employees across the country.

African countries are making some important strides toward a green energy sector. According to the Global Renewables Status 2009, Northern Africa boasts more than 500 MW of installed wind power, while Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tanzania are all planning their first wind farms.

