A working paper titled “Adapting to Climate Change: Conserving Rice Biodiversity of the Apatani Tribe in North East India” by Ms Swati Chaliha and Dr Promode Kant, has been published by the Institute of Green Economy (IGREC), New Delhi.
The CDM has performed well with more than 2500 registered projects and an investment of US $ 106 billion likely to generate 1.84 billion CERs before the end of the First Commitment Period with expected revenues in excess of $30 billion.
In the run up to his first Presidential election, Ronald Regan became the butt of jokes and night time comedies when he said that trees cause more pollution than the cars. But Regan may not have been altogether wrong in his claim.
Scientific classifications can sometimes lead to tricky situations. Bamboos are as much carbon as trees and some of them grow really quick sequestering carbon dioxide faster than the trees. So one would expect bamboos to be plants of choice for climate change mitigation.
Prolonged civil war has resulted in very poor governance and a battered economy and environment in Afghanistan. Firewood is the primary source of household energy in Afghanistan.