Recognizing the high level of social and economic vulnerability and discrimination faced by sanitation workers, the Government of India (GoI) and several state governments have initiated many programs and schemes, including social protection measures for Sanitation workers.

Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of 'In Re Problems and Miseries of Migrant Labourers' dated 31/01/2023.

The SC was informed that out of the estimated 38.37 crores  migrants to be registered on  e-Shram portal - a total of 28.55 crores migrants are already registered. Further, those 28.55 crore migrants who are already registered on the e-Shram portal would be entitled to the schemes floated by the Central Government and concerned state governments and also under National Food Security Act.

About half of the world’s oil and gas is produced by “middle-income” developing countries. These countries could face a significant drop in government revenue due to the global shift away from fossil fuels.

Faltering  global employment growth and the pressure on decent working conditions risk undermining social justice, according to this World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2023 report by the ILO.

Working Time and Work-Life Balance Around the World provides a comprehensive review of both main aspects of working time – working hours and working time arrangements (also called work schedules) – and their effects on workers' work-life balance.

Negotiations are a valuable and important tool for increasing the voice of workers in the informal economy. This paper provides empirical evidence from Africa, Asia and the Americas on negotiations and collective bargaining by workers in the informal economy.

No one should have to surrender their human right to migrate in order to find a living wage, the UN human rights office, OHCHR said in this new report, highlighting the importance of temporary migratory labour programmes.

Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of 'In Re problems and miseries of migrant labourers ' dated 06/12/2022.

The Global Wage Report 2022-2023 reveals how the severe inflationary crisis, combined with a slowdown in economic growth - driven in part by the war in Ukraine and the global energy crisis - have affected pay packets worldwide, including in the G20 leading industrial nations.

The outlook for global labour markets has worsened in recent months and on current trends job vacancies will decline and global employment growth will deteriorate significantly in the final quarter of 2022, according to this new ILO report. Rising inflation is causing real wages to fall in many countries.
