I write this because of the continued ineptness of its policies. It makes us lose time and direction again and again. Just look at the latest so called water privatisation programme of the Bank and

up environment policy: Voicing concerns over rising pollution levels, the Uttar Pradesh Government is formulating a new environment policy, as per Supreme Court recommendations. This is to be

Roger Moody is the director of Nostromo Research, which
investigates mining practices around the world. A leading critic of
the mining industry, his report Ravages through India exposes

Vedanta s pract

World Bank appoints neutral expert for Baglihar dispute

Bully's immunity: Bangladesh is witnessing a nationwide protest against the government's move to allow blanket immunity to the World Bank (WB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The

World Bank mulls India's first loan for tribal populations; to bypass forest department

It is fortunate that people do not breathe data

A credit unworthy government put paid to eco development

Now even the World Bank says money should flow to local bodies directly

unique protest: In a potent symbolic gesture equating a dangerous pesticide with the atom bomb, a Quit India Endosulfan march was organised in Kerala on August 6
