Question raised in Lok Sabha on Wildllife Sanctuaries, 04/01/2019. Details of Wildlife Sanctuaries in the country is given in the Annexure-I. State-wise, Sanctuary-wise details of funds sought, sanctioned and utilised during the last three years and the current year under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of ‘Development of Wildlife Habitats’ is given in the Annexure –II.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on National Clean Air Programme, 04/01/2019. List of Non-Attainment Cities with Respect to Ambient Air Quality India to be Undertaken for Mitigation Measures under NCAP is at Annexure I. Source apportionment studies in the selected cities will be conducted by expert technical agencies like IITs, CPCB etc. List of operating ambient air quality stations under National Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Programme (NAMP) and Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations (CAAQMS) are enclosed at Annexure-II & III, respectively.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Increase in Forest Cover, 04/01/2019. For various developmental activities in the country, permission for diversion of the forest is granted by the Central Government under Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980. The forest land diverted under Forest Conservation Act, 1980 during the period from 01.01.2015 to 11.12.2018 is 52338.75 hectares. The State/UTs wise details are given in Annexure-I.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Generation of Waste, 04/01/2019. According to Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA), 52.9 Million Tonne per Annum (MTPA) of solid waste is generated in the country,out of which 46% is processed. The State/UT-wise details are annexed.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Forest Village in Gujarat, 04/01/2019. As per information received from respective State Governments and Ministry of Tribal Affairs, the number of the forest villages and villages inside the core/critical tiger habitat in the country, State-wise including Gujarat, is given at Annexure-I. Developments work like road, drinking water, school, electrification, sanitation, etc are done in forest settlement villages by the respective line departments and forest department of a State Government.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Forest Fire, 04/01/2019. Forest Fires occur every year during summer due to various natural and anthropogenic reasons including accumulation of inflammable materials such as dry leaves, twigs, pine needles etc. Forest Survey of India (FSI), Dehradun, disseminates the satellite based forest fire alerts to the State Forest Departments and other registered users whenever forest fires are detected. The details of forest fire alerts issued to all State/ Union Territory Forest Departments during the last three years is given in Annexure-I.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Attack by Tigers, 04/01/2019. As reported by States, number of people killed in tiger attacks across the country during last three years and current year, is at Annexure-I. The National Tiger Conservation Authority has a three pronged strategy to prevent conflict between human beings and wild animals which is elaborated at Annexure-II.

The Directorate of Economics and Statistics brings out its flagship publication “Agricultural Statistics at a Glance” every year. The publication is widely used as a trusted source of information on various aspects of agriculture and allied sector, including crop production and productivity, growth and investment in agriculture, minimum support price, cost of production, terms of trade, imports and exports, land-use statistics, agricultural inputs, rainfall distribution, etc.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Untreated sewage flowing into the rivers, 31/12/2018. As per a report published by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) in March, 2015, the sewage generation from urban areas in the country is estimated at 61,948 million litres per day (mld), against which the available sewage treatment capacity is only 23,277 mld (37% of the sewage generation). The untreated sewage is discharged into various rivers, other water bodies as well as the sea.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Illegal trade in wildlife articles, 31/12/2018. As per the information provided by the State authorities, illegal trade of wildlife and wildlife articles has not increased over the years. Details of the cases of illegal trade received from the State authorities during last three years is given in the Annexure.
