Opposing the pharmaceutical sector's arguments for a more liberal drug policy, several voluntary groups demand all prescription drugs in India should be subject to price controls. The groups met in
A hieroglyphic script in which the earliest Central American texts were written has been partly deciphered, thanks to an engraved slab found by fisherfolk.
A US based Tibetan organisation says not only is China intending to build a nuclear reactor near Lhasa, but is also setting up sites for missiles targeted at India on the Tibetan plateau.
Though a deadly gas leak two months ago caused nine deaths, Century Rayon is back in full production despite orders from the Maharashtra environment ministry and the state pollution control board
SCIENTISTS have found in the foothills of the Andes mountains the remains of what they contend is the earliest dinosaur. Unlike its giant descendants, the discovery by a US-Argentinian team
AS THE first president of the International Green Cross (IGC) -- an organisation that has been set up to help victims of human-made disasters and is to have offices at Geneva and The Hague --
Inefficient use funds, not lack of resources, is responsible for the failure of scientific departments to meet their targets, says a recent CAG report.
SHEEP treated with a protein found in the salivary glands of male mice can shed their fleece on their own. Scientists use the protein produced artificially through genetic manipulation in a
US TREASURY secretary Lloyd Benen said his country favoured World Bank funding of programmes to help people affected by war, civil strife and economic mismanagement, and demanded specific targets