Funds, always a sticky subject, was an area of considerable debate at UNCED. What emerged was a weak compromise which left northern purses relatively untapped

Manufacturers across the world are busy developing environment friendly products and minimising pollution in production process. A select list

After prolonged negotiations, what the Rio summit has produced is a weak and poorly represented commission on sustainable development

Money commitments made by northern leaders in Rio:

A comma gave rise to an argument over whether technology transfer should take place according to terms agreed upon at Rio or terms mutually agreed upon later

Though the bracketed chapter on atmosphere was resolved in Rio, OPEC nations continue to feel dissatisfied

Africa had several tense moments before it could get the desertification convention through

In 1993, Newfoundland will see an international conference on fish stocks as a result of a dispute between Canada and Japan and the EC

The chapter on poverty was adopted, but the US voiced its objections loud and clear

At UNCED, the North tried using the facile argument that their larger consumption actually provided trade and jobs for the poorer South. But nobody bit the hook
