Ongwediva — Johannes Bokoma Nashikaku, who was earlier this month convicted of dealing with protected wildlife products, was on Tuesday slapped with a N$30 000 fine or alternatively three years imp
Kano--Police personnel in Kano State have taking over mining sites in the state as part of efforts at checking criminality and illegal mining by foreigners.
Moroto — Medical personnelattached to Kakingol Health Centre III in Katikekile Sub County, Moroto District on Monday laid down their tools protesting lack of clean water at the facility, leaving pa
The World Bank estimates the direct economic losses from Cyclone Idai in Mozambique to range from $656 million-$773 million, covering damage to buildings, infrastructure and agriculture, a note sen
Econet Wireless yesterday commissioned a 466kW solar power plant at its Willowvale industrial complex in the capital, the largest commercial and industrial carport and roof mount installation of it