India is in the tropical monsoon zone and received plenty of rainfall. Most of the annual rainfall occurs during the summer monsoon season (June-September) every year. However, the distribution of rainfall over the entire Indian region is not homogeneous.

Industry over the years has been undertaking measures to improve their water usage towards attaining water neutrality.

This paper discusses the role of local governments as powerful, but often over-looked, actors in locally led adaptation. Local governments represent key stakeholders that have largely untapped potential to lead local adaptation action, mediate between local actors and national authorities, and manage climate finance to address local needs.

This compendium was developed through a synthesis of cases of best practices for water management in the G20 countries.

Hydrogen is regarded as one of the limited options for decarbonizing the hard-to-abate industrial sector. This work investigates the status and potential of green and blue hydrogen in some major industrial sectors, including oil refining, chemical production, iron and steel production, and high-temperature heat applications.

This Compendium of Best Practices is a repository of unique and effective water management strategies applied nationally as well as internationally.

This derivative regional analysis covers the East Asian region consisting of China, Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea, and Taiwan.

This issue of the Agri-Food Trends and Analytics Bulletin (AF-TAB) aims to explore the relationship between El Niño, erratic and unseasonal rainfall, and its impact on agricultural production as well as food inflation.

This tool kit offers a step-by-step guide for economies in Asia and the Pacific looking to design, build, and implement emission trading systems (ETS) to help speed up their transition to a greener, more inclusive future.

The Global Gas Security Review has provided a thorough assessment of the evolution of gas supply security and LNG contracting trends each year since its first publication in 2016.
