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Melbourne: A new smartphone case, made up of same material as Nasa spacecraft, claims to reduce cellphone radiation and cancer risks as it cuts the exposure by up to 95%.

Emission from mobile towers will be reduced by 1/10 of the current standard

The government today said it will implement new tower emission norms from September 1, 2012 although there is no evidence that proves any adverse health effects due to radiations from mobile towers. As per the new norms, emission from mobile towers will be reduced by 1/10 of the current standards.

Regular auditing, monitoring of radiations stressed

JAMMU: Taking serious note of the general complaints that Electro-Magnetic Radiations from the cell-phone towers have been leaving adverse impact on wildlife especially birds and bees, the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests has issued detailed advisory containing the actions to be undertaken by various agencies in order to avoid the impacts of radiations on such species.

Radiation from mobile towers may have varying negative impact on wildlife especially birds and bees, according to the Environment Ministry.

Amid concerns over health hazards and impact on wildlife due to mobile tower radiation, the Environment Ministry has issued an advisory asking the Department of Telecommunications not to permit new mobile towers within a one-km radius of the existing ones. Noting there was a need to prevent the negative impact of electro-magnetic radiations (EMR) on birds and bees, the Ministry directed that the new towers should be constructed with utmost care and precautions 'so as not to obstruct flight path of birds, and also not to increase the combined radiation from all towers in the area'.

Department of Telecommunications is quite conscious on the issues related to public health and the details as below are the steps that have been initiated by the department on Telecom.

Letter to Mr. Jayanti Patil, Rural Development Minister, Maharashtra on health hazards from electro magnetic field radiations from mobile towers/antennae from Citizens Against Health Hazards from Mobile Towers.

Response to the position paper on the introduction of Wi-Fi & Cellular systems to schools in Israel.

Dode et al (2011) report an apparent increase in "accumulated incident rates" of cancer deaths in residents living within 500 m from a cellular base station. This report has provoked considerable discussion by the public and media, if not by health agencies themselves. This letter calls attention to major weaknesses in the study that prevent any conclusions about possible health effects from living near a cellular base station.

Dode et al (2011) report an apparent increase in "accumulated incident rates" of cancer deaths in residents living within 500 m from a cellular base station. This report has provoked considerable discussion by the public and media, if not by health agencies themselves. This letter calls attention to major weaknesses in the study that prevent any conclusions about possible health effects from living near a cellular base station.

Letter to Mr. Subodh Kumar, Municipal Commissioner of Greater Mumbai from Citizens Against Health Hazards from Mobile Towers.
