Enable Block: 

In what could be seen as a stern warning against those indulging in illegal sand quarrying, the Tamil Nadu has government detained 18 people under the stringent Goondas Act in the last one year.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Centre for Environment Protection, Research & Development Vs State of Madhya Pradesh dated 27/09/2013 on steps taken during the past seven years on containing and reducing the pollution levels in the city of Indore.

Original Source: http://www.greentribunal.gov.in/orderinpdf/1-2013(CZ)(OA)_27Sep2013.pdf

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Pandit Hari Shankar Samadhiya Vs. Union of India & Others dated 27/09/2013 on pollution in the area of the Morar River bed in the city of Gwalior.

Original Source: http://www.greentribunal.gov.in/orderinpdf/12-2013(CZ)(OA)_27Sep2013.pdf

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Tribunal at its own motion Vs Ministry of Environment and Others dated 27/09/2013 regarding operation of 43 mines in the Mandla District of Madhya Pradesh and that the mining is reportedly being done between two important National Parks namely Kanha National Park and Bandhavgarh National Park.

The National Green Tribunal on Thursday sought responses of the Centre, UP and Haryana on a plea alleging that sand was being illegally mined from land belonging to IAF in Faridabad and is being so

After Hauz Khas shock from NGT, eating-out industry wakes up to environment norms

Hauz Khas Village in south Delhi was deserted last weekend, thanks to Pankaj Sharma. The normally bustling warren of lanes lined with restaurants and boutiques was brought to a grinding halt by the National Green Tribunal (NGT), which insisted that any establishment not adhering to environmental regulations had to close. Some of them have reopened since then after promising to abide by the rules.

Judgement of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Virani Construction Company Vs State Level Environmental Impact Assessment Commitee II (SEAC II) Maharashtra & Others dated 26/09/2013 regarding constructing buildings on the plots bearing Survey Nos. 36/4, 37/1 and 37/2, situated at village Kausa (district Thane).

Original Source: http://www.greentribunal.gov.in/judgment/72_2013(Ap)(wZ)_26sept2013_final_order.pdf

Though Total Area Has Climbed To 20%, Forests Are Mostly On The Outskirts

The government has been congratulating itself on how Delhi’s green cover has increased over the years from 1.48% in 1993 to about 20% in 2011. However, these forests are highly fragmented. Delhi has little islands of forest, especially in the fringe areas, but that doesn’t help in enriching biodiversity or maintaining the health of the forests.

Green Tribunal gives them four weeks to install Effluent Treatment Plants

The National Green Tribunal on Wednesday provided some relief to 26 restaurants operating in South Delhi’s Hauz Khas Village by granting them conditional approval to start operating again.

In a relief to 26 restaurant owners, whose businesses had been shut down four days ago, the National Green Tribunal (NGT) on Wednesday granted them conditional approval to reopen.

As many as 34 eateries had been closed down last Saturday by the NGT after a plea filed by Pankaj Sharma had claimed that they were operating without clearances and discharging waste water untreated.
