At WaterAid’s Water and Climate Summit in London, March 2020, a High-Level Group led by HRH Prince of Wales pledged to work towards boosting available finance for climate-resilient water, sanitation and hygiene, creating the Water and Climate Finance Initiative (WCFI).

This paper explores ways of financing the transition from brown, carbon-intensive models of economic development to low-carbon, green economies. Countries are beginning to better understand their progress in transitioning from brown to green models of economic development.

This report presents an overview of the current evidence base on the complex relationships between climate change and human mobility.

This document focuses on the basics of disaster risk reduction (DRR) finance and the opportunities that the Post-2015 development finance landscape can offer. In the post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction – the successor to the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) – it is imperative that the discussion on financing is elaborated.

There has been considerable and growing interest in forest carbon and its role in international climate change policy. This interest stems from the substantial greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that arise from the forestry sector and the potential for forests to deliver cheap-and-deep emission reductions.