Agriculture holds significant potential for growth in Sub-Saharan Africa. However, production and productivity remain low due to factors such as climate change and variability, and limited access to and low adoption of appropriate technologies.
Transforming food systems under a changing climate entails amplifying solutions that build sustainability along multiple interconnected principles—i.e., diversity, resilience, equity, economic viability, health and renewability.
Agricultural production in East Africa is mainly rain-fed, making it highly sensitive and vulnerable to increased climate variability arising from climate change (EAC 2017a). Climate vulnerability is also exacerbated by reduced produce quality, land degradation, declining soil fertility and imperfect insurance and credit markets.
Benin is located on the Guinean coast of West Africa and has a mixed tropical and sub-equatorial climate with two rainy seasons. Beninoise farmers practice mixed rain-fed crop and livestock farming. Climate change puts the country at risk of food insecurity.
Collective action has led to increased agricultural investments, and provided an avenue for dissemination of climate-smart technologies. Cereal–legume intercrop innovations offer farmers multiple benefits that contribute to increased farm resilience, greater food security and better incomes.