Assessment of erosion status of watersheds is an essential prerequisite for Integrated Watershed Management (IWM). It not only assists in identifying the suitable soil and water conservation measures to arrest erosion and conserve water but also helps in devising best management practices (BMPs) to enhance biomass production in watersheds.

Wagarwadi watershed of Parbhani district falls under semi-arid tropics of basaltic terrain. The water balance components were analysed to find out the ground water recharge, which is the main input to the aquifer MODFLOW. Well characteristics like transmissivity and specific yield were determined by carrying out the pumping test.

A field experiment was conducted on lateritic soil of Western Ghat region in Goa State to study the effect of bioengineering measures viz.

National Watershed Development Programme for Rainfed Areas (NWDPRA) was taken up in a Shivalik foot hill watershed of Haryana, namely, Raipur Rani in Haryana during the XI five year plan. The Central Soil and Water Conservation Research and Training Institute, Research Centre Chandigarh conducted impact evaluation of the NWDPRA programme during 2005.

Study was conducted on low cost earthen dam during 2003-2005 at the Central Horticultural Experiment Station, Vejalpur. The study indicated that, runoff water, harvested can be recycled which forms an integral part of successful horticulture fruit crops, during lean period.

Field experiment for evaluation of border-check method of irrigation was conducted with wheat crop on sandy loam soils at Water Technology Centre, New Delhi. Four basins of different aspect ratios (width/length) were evaluated. An inflow cutoff criterion for each basin was selected based on cutoff at the completion of advance phase.

This paper deals with the historical transition of Chhattisgarh from a non-drought affected abundance to almost annually drought affected and with serious scarcity demanding huge relief to mitigate the consequent miseries. It would assess the risk of areas, land and soil, crops and plants and list out points emerging from the exercises.

The crop productivity in Siwalik rainfed areas including kandi belt of Jammu and Kashmir is very low. To improve the agricultural productivity of these areas, a holistic approach through watershed management project was introduced in early 1990 to manipulate land and water resources more efficiently for better crop production.

Water resources development and management is not only imperative but also crucial for sustainable agriculture in water scarce areas of submontane region. Three small water harvesting tanks/ponds were constructed under the World Bank funded project in the region to harvest rainwater excess.

Application of hydraulic structures may control the destruction rate of the flood but sometimes they have undesirable effects on some aspects of flood behaviours leading to detrimental outcomes. In the present study, an attempt has been made to investigate the effects of bridges, culverts, groins and drops on inundation extension in a about 7 km long reach of Kan River, Iran.
