The traditional management of Mudiyanur tank provides an interesting example of a system of management that ensured fair distribution of water to the land of all households, promoted respect for different roles in society, and sought to resolve conflict between different parties in as harmonious a
manner as possible.

Small farmers need credit and other supporting services for diverse activities which comprise a family’s livelihood strategy. Self Help Affinity Groups (SAGs) are the most appropriate institutions which provide the necessary space, resources and skills required by a poor family to develop a livelihood strategy.

Microfinance can be profitable and viable if used as a capital to promote micro enterprise. Samudram fishermen federation in Orissa used micro finance as an investment tool to achieve biodiversity conservation, income generation and women’s empowerment.

SHG and their federations have become a movement in India. To sustain the benefits emerging from this movement, it is important that they become independent in all aspects and take full ownership. This means that the

Farmers need credit for various reasons. But their inability to repay has been an important reason for not being able to access timely credit. Pragathibandhu is an innovative programme which makes the poor bankable by diversifying
income sources and facilitating labour sharing.

<p>While management of natural resources is crucial, micro finance is a catalyst for achieving sustainable agriculture. The experience of HIH shows how micro finance has played a supportive role in the ecological journey of a large number of farmers in Tamil Nadu.<br />

Orans are a source of food fodder, water and fuel to the livestock communities living in the foothills of Aravallis. Local communities, with the support of KRAPAVIS, an NGO continue to uphold the beneficial practice of preserving Orans.

Young farmers in Ratnagiri are successfully preserving the unique diversity of the region by integrating small scale agriculture with livestock production.

For most women in South India, rearing local breeds is hassle free, add-on and a part-time activity that can be combined with other income generating activities.

Farmers are trying out different options to improve the feed management in dairy animals. They are looking at options which reduce costs and at the same time do not affect the milk yields. The participatory technology development process provided a farmer centered extension mechanism, enabling knowledge enrichment, for farmers as well as for researchers.
