A study commissioned by the German government aims to show how wind power will affect red kites, white-tailed eagles, and Montagu's harriers in the future. Even not mowing the grass around tower bases would help, ornithologists say.

The German solar industry once held the front, but must now defend itself globally. To survive, it will have to prevail over the competition. Germany's Solar Industry Association (BSW-Solar) is leading the way with its PV Roadmap 2020, proposing a battle plan to keep the German solar sector competitive-and make photovoltaics a central pillar of the country's energy supply.

Small-scale wind power is getting a lot of attention nationally and internationally and is becoming increasingly popular. Even politicians now believe in the potential of wind generators. But these systems won't get established without mandatory quality standards.

Thumbing their noses at the financial crisis, investors breathe new life into the Indian wind market; new subsidies are poised to take effect, and industry insiders see an upswing in the offing.

It used to be made by Native Americans, but now "terra preta" [black earth] is going industrial under the name "biochar". With modern technology, a number of research institutions are working on ways to compress organic waste products into a coal-like substance.

Building-integrated photovoltaic solutions are still significantly more expensive than traditional on-roof systems, comprising a niche market. But manufacturers are increasingly offering solar modules for facades and in-roof systems. Are we on the threshold of a major new market?

China's wind industry is booming. But manufacturing capacity growth is out stripping the market. The competition is squeezing margins; international providers are falling behind as national champions pull ahead.

US ethanol producers have had no joy from the stock market. The financial figures of many are awful. Venture capitalists are holding back investment - preferring new fuel sources.

Slumbering in Indonesia is the world's biggest geothermal energy potential. Improved promotion policy and high fuel prices might help it to make a breakthrough.

Owners of stock in German biogas companies haven't got much joy out of them. Given the industry's business conditions that's no surprise. Now it's all about how companies can weather the year ahead.
