We hypothesise that climate change, together with intensive agricultural systems, will increase the transfer of pollutants from land to water and impact on stream health.

In forty six wells >150 m deep, from across the arsenic-polluted area of south-central Bangladesh, groundwater composition remained unchanged between 1998 and 2011. No evidence of deteriorating water quality was found in terms of arsenic, iron, manganese, boron, barium or salinity over this period of 13 years. These deep tubewells have achieved operating lives of more than 20 years with minimal institutional support.

Dode et al (2011) report an apparent increase in "accumulated incident rates" of cancer deaths in residents living within 500 m from a cellular base station. This report has provoked considerable discussion by the public and media, if not by health agencies themselves. This letter calls attention to major weaknesses in the study that prevent any conclusions about possible health effects from living near a cellular base station.

Dode et al (2011) report an apparent increase in "accumulated incident rates" of cancer deaths in residents living within 500 m from a cellular base station. This report has provoked considerable discussion by the public and media, if not by health agencies themselves. This letter calls attention to major weaknesses in the study that prevent any conclusions about possible health effects from living near a cellular base station.

Commuters' exposure to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) especially BTEX travelling in passenger cars in Kolkata, India were quantified in Phase I (2001–2002) and Phase II (2003–2004). Monitoring was made inside and in the immediate outside of passenger cars fitted with and without catalytic converters using different types of fuels, along two congested urban routes.
