Arpico Plastishells Ltd, forging ahead in organic and liquid Waste Management, has introduced a Green Gas Unit in Sri Lanka providing households, hotels, restaurants, manufacturing plants, Large Scale businesses and SMEs to produce Bio Gas through organic waste, - an islands first a company spokesperson said.

Available in 1000ltrs and 5000ltrs units, it is estimated a total 1-7 hrs of gas could

There was a news item that the Minister of Environment proposing to plant trees in catchment areas. It is a most commendable proposal.

It also refers to the biomas of trees, which absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen

As governments prepare to spend up to US$ 10 billion annually to limit climate change and prepare for its impact, Transparency International (TI) warns of the corruption risks of climate finance flowing through new and untested channels.

To overcome this challenge, TI has set out practical guidelines to prevent corruption undermining climate change measures, through the Global Corruption Report

The Health Ministry has issued a new circular on the use of chemicals in the process of fruit ripening.

Director General of Health Services Dr. Ajith Mendis has issued instructions on the use of chemicals to ripen the foods.

Coral reef mining has caused two small islands in South Asia

Health Ministry warns that around 50 to 75 percent of Sri Lankans are prone to non-communicable diseases.

Already five out of ten persons in urban areas and one out of ten persons in rural areas had been suffering from non communicable diseases (NCD), a spokesman for the Health Ministry said.

The ministry had informed the government of the danger and following a request made by Minister Mait

Plans are afoot by the Sustainable Energy Authority (SEA) to recommend to the country

The Private Bus Owners Association of Sri Lanka yesterday vowed that that they would campaign against the Vehicle Emission Testing Programme (VET)unless the Petroleum Ministry took steps to produce diesel with low Sulphur levels.

The VET programme was jointly implemented by the Environment and Natural Resources and Transport Ministry in 2007 to reduce dangerous gases that cause air pollution.

The water of the Gonameriyawa ponds situated off the Medawachchiya-Kebithigollewa road has been polluted due to continuous rain in the area.

The Japan Social Development Fund through the World Bank will support nutrition improvement in mothers and children in Northern Sri Lanka with a US$ 2.7 million grant (approx. Rs.
