Plans are afoot to provide low cost solar power kits and other renewable energy resources to nearly 50,000 families, who are unable to obtain electricity through the main grid, in the Ratnapura Dis

The Ministry of Highways says that the government is yet to make compensation payments to land owners, whose lands had been acquired for road development projects in certain parts of the country.

To prevent pollution caused due to excessive use of polythene and plastic, people have been asked to hand over their plastic and polythene to waste collectors and recyclers and they can obtain cash

While ensuring protection of the environment and giving more teeth to protect the wetland resources, the Central Environment Authority will shortly launch a programme titled ‘Wetland Auditing Syste

The largest area under paddy cultivation, in the country’s history, was recorded in the Yala season of 2011, Hector Kobbekaduwa Agrarian Research and Training Institute (HARTI) Deputy Director (Res

Sri Lanka’s weather patterns are changing and this fact was made evident on January 13, this year when temperatures dropped dramatically country wide.

The Health Ministry initiated its pilot project of spraying the locally cultured Bacillus Thuringiensis Israelensis, within the premises of the State Engineering Corporation, Pre-Cast Yard on Negom

The government is planning to allocate over Rs. 100 billion to the public health sector as part of its efforts to strengthen health services.

Thirty years into the AIDS epidemic and on the occasion of the 10th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (10th ICAAP), being held at Busan, the Joint United Nations Program on HIV

The people in North Central Province have been afflicted with a skin dicease due to being stung by the sandfly.
