KINGSTON, Jamaica – The allocation of J$25 million in the 2015/16 Estimates of Expenditure, now before the House of Representatives, is expected to help strengthen the country’s effort to develop a

KINGSTON, Jamaica - Jamaica is among the first set of countries to access a US$10-million grant from the Adaptation Fund, which provides funding for adaptation projects/programmes in developing cou

Caribbean countries were on Wednesday expressing concerns over a new strain of HIV virus that has been identified by Cuban scientists.

KINGSTON, Jamaica — Several infrastructural projects, as well as human development activities, are slated to be undertaken this year under the Poverty Reduction Programme IV, with an allotment of J

GROUND was broken yesterday for the 36.3 megawatt wind farm at Malvern, St Elizabeth which government and investors say forms part of a concerted push to reduce Jamaica's US$2-billion oil bill thro

The Ministry of Health is reporting that of the notification of 14 deaths suspected to be related to chikungunya, two of those have so far been confirmed as having had the virus.

KINGSTON, Jamaica – The Government of Canada is spending more than CA$95,000 to assist Jamaica in implementing disaster risk reduction projects.

THE Climate Change Policy Framework and Action Plan will be tabled in the House of Representatives this month, Minister of Water, Land, Environment and Climate Change Robert Pickersgill told Tuesda

GENEVA, Switzerland (CMC) -- The World Health Organisation (WHO) is urging Caribbean countries to take urgent action to meet global targets to reduce the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs).

GENEVA, Switzerland (CMC) –The World Health Organization (WHO) is urging Caribbean countries to take urgent action to meet global targets to reduce the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs).
