Nancy Pelosi, the House speaker, met China

Two more New Yorkers have died with confirmed cases of swine flu, the city

As New York City officials prepared to reopen 20 public schools shut down because of the swine flu, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg warned on Monday that further closings would not slow the march of the virus.

A second New York City resident, a woman from Queens in her 50s, has died from swine flu, the city

Federal health officials will probably recommend that most Americans get three flu shots this fall: one regular flu shot and two doses of any vaccine made against the new swine flu strain.

The House Energy and Commerce Committee, splitting largely along party lines, approved on Thursday the most ambitious energy and global warming legislation ever debated in Congress.

It all began at a high school volleyball tournament here on May 2

Egyptians who perform the annual Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia risk being quarantined upon their return to Egypt, the health minister warned Wednesday, driving home the lengths to which Egypt is willing to go to remain free of swine flu.

Confirming the first impressions of many American and Mexican doctors, federal health officials said on Wednesday that people born before 1957 appear to have some immunity to the swine flu virus now circulating.

Iran test-fired a sophisticated missile on Wednesday that was capable of striking Israel and parts of Western Europe, adding to concerns that Iran
