The real number of swine flu cases in the United States could be

Twenty-five years after the federal government declared a long stretch of the Hudson River to be a contaminated Superfund site, the cleanup of its chief remaining source of pollution began here Friday with a single scoop of mud extracted by a computer-guided dredge.

The vast $320 million desalination plant approved this week by San Diego

The swine flu virus did not result from a laboratory accident, the World Health Organization said Thursday, working to debunk rumors started by an Australian virologist and circulated by news outlets all over the world.

A new analysis halves longstanding projections of how much sea levels could rise if Antarctica

million pot pies last year under its popular Banquet label

The City Council on Wednesday unanimously adopted a measure making Chicago the nation

With a series of compromises on the stickiest issues behind them, the House Energy and Commerce Committee is poised to approve far-reaching legislation on energy and global warming by the end of next week. Where it goes from there remains highly uncertain.

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has upheld a Bush administration finding that the Endangered Species Act is not a suitable tool for restricting carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases threatening the polar bear and its habitat. We agree, with this codicil: There are steps Mr. Salazar can and must take under the act

All civil lawsuits arising from the 2007 collapse of the Crandall Canyon coal mine in eastern Utah, which left nine people dead and six seriously injured, were settled by an umbrella agreement that will require financial compensation but no admission of liability, lawyers said Tuesday.
