In the next few weeks the Karnataka government will begin deliberating on the future of Chamalapura, a tiny hamlet near Mysore, and its surroundings. According to highly placed sources in the state's energy department, feasibility studies will be commissioned soon for setting up a coal-fired thermal power plant in and around the village.

India's electric car Reva sets the wheels in motion in climate-conscious UK

A damning SC verdict led to Mathura Refinery putting in place many green measures

IN 1984, a writ petition filed in the I SC by environmental lawyer M.C. I Mehta named Mathura Refinery, a psu located in the Taj zone, along with other small industries and foundries for causing "acid rain", which led to corroding the surface of the Taj Mahal.

THE Taj has been under siege from man-made elements for a long time, and in the last two decades, various prescriptions have been suggested to save it from the ravages of industrial pollution. The latest, though, has flummoxed even our normally sedate historians and conservationists. The Archaeological

Northeast's man- war from both sides

S Diwali approaches, villagers in some parts of I Assam and Meghalaya are buying crackers, but for a different reason altogether.

THE international diamond industry has found its next big destination, and it's the land of the Nizams. Geological findings in seven districts of Andhra Pradesh have shown up extensive diamond deposits which, naturally, has got the big boys interested. Already, seven companies have applied for prospecting licences (42 in all) covering a land base of over 1,495 sq km.

RAMPAL Singh Yadav, 25, moves with an air of purpose on his crutches, supervising the stone-crushing work by a nearly 80-strong

IT was a power dinner. But it was soon to become a power-hungry one. Early September, Union agriculture minister Sharad Pawar hosted a dinner for Intel chairman Craig Barrett during his ninth visit to India. A few high-profile cabinet ministers like FM P. Chidambaram and aviation minister Praful Patel were present on the occasion.

Narmada is the Life-line of Madhya Pradesh both literally as well as figuratively. One of the two rivers in the India which flow from East to West, Narmada originates in Amarkantak- an enchanting hill station and a place of pilgrimage in the Shahdol district of the state and covers a distance of 1312 km., before joining the Arabian sea in the gulf of Cambay.

Even as actor Salman Khan's brief stint at the t Jodhpur jail hogged the headlines, scientists at the Hyderabad-based Laboratory for the Conservation of Endangered Species (LacoNEs) held a quite celebration. Their experiment in artificially inseminating a black buck had proved to be a success. Blacky, as the fawn was named, was born on August 23 to one of the three inseminated bucks.
