The UPA-II government’s flagship programme, the Food Security Bill, which comes with a neat price tag of Rs 1.23 lakh crore, holds the promise of eradicating hunger.

Women and impoverished, illiterate tribals fall prey to Madhya Pradesh’s overweening family planning zeal
Birth Control

Ever since Anna Hazare’s call for a strong Lokpal bill reached fever-pitch in autumn, and the government bought time with ostensibly conciliatory moves, everyone had been waiting for ‘the due proce

As many as 46 per cent of the malnourished children of the world—of whom at least 75,000 die every month—are in India.

Sparring Points

Besides Lokpal Bill, politicians have sparred with civil society on four key pieces of legislation

The Planning Commission’s definition of poverty is inexplicableIn the urban sprawl that is Delhi, as in any other metro in the country, earning no more than Rs 25 per day with a family to support w


Mr Compromised

Vedanta In

A proactive minister puts Paryavaran Bhavan in focus. The development dauphins are aflutter.When did you last hear of an Indian cabinet minister being compared to Muhammad Ali? Well, that

When did you last hear of an Indian cabinet minister being compared to Muhammad Ali? Well, that
