The overall objective of the project ‘Making agri-food systems work for the rural poor in Eastern and Southern Africa’ was to improve food security and promote sustainable management of natural resources through enhanced adoption of pro-poor agri-food system innovations.

Collaborative research efforts are emerging as a way to effectively address complex challenges such as adapting to climate change. Collaborations that span geographic, disciplinary and sectoral boundaries represent a divergence from traditional research approaches that may require new ways of working.

In 2007, the world became a predominantly urban society. An estimated three-quarters of economic production now takes place in cities. Urbanization brings with it the possibilities of improved access to jobs, goods, and services for poor people in developing countries and beyond as globalization trends connect cities worldwide.

A vast number of people in developing countries depend on the natural environment for their livelihoods

Environmental pollutants from many different sources
contaminate water, air, and land, putting humans and ecosystems at risk, and often pitting people against industry. By viewing competing interests and their implications within a broad ecosystem analysis, ecohealth approaches strive to protect
health while balancing the needs of various stakeholders and