Question raised in Lok Sabha on Compensation Under Crop Insurance Scheme, 22/11/2016. As per provisions of the schemes, the claims are being processed and
settled by the concerned insurance companies based on the final yield data/weather data provided within the stipulated time by the State Government/designated agencies.
The claims settled by the insurance companies during Kharif 2015 and Rabi 2015-16 under various crop insurance schemes are annexed.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Assistance to Tackle Drought, 22/11/2016. The list of districts declared as drought affected by the concerned State Governments during 2015-16 is at Annexure – I. The details regarding cropped area damaged by 33% and more in the drought affected States as reported by the State Governments are at Annexure-II. Details regarding assistance sought and approved for drought from NDRF in the last three years and current year are at Annexure-III.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Allocation of Fund for Drought, 22/11/2016. The State Government is primarily responsible for taking necessary relief measures in the wake of natural calamities including drought. For undertaking relief measures,funds are available with the State Government in the form of State Disaster Response Fund

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Air Pollution, 22/11/2016. The air pollution in National Capital Region (NCR) reached severe category in Air Quality Index (AQI) recently during the first week of November, 2016.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Afforestation, 22/11/2016. Under the guidelines issued under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980, the stipulation of planting of trees in multiples of the number of felled trees, is prescribed as an ameliorative measure, in-lieu of felling of trees as a consequence of construction of national highways, the quantum of multiples stipulated varies from State to State. State wise details of compensatory afforestation in lieu of diverted forest land including for roads, is given in

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Development of Forest Villages, 21/11/2016. The Ministry has issued guidelines, in compliance of Section 3 (1) (h) of “The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006, on conversion of forest villages, old habitations, unsurveyed villages in forests, whether recorded, notified or not into revenue villages vide letter No.23011/33/2010-FRA dated 08.11.2013. Status of conversion of Forest Villages to Revenue Villages based on the information received from the State Governments is at Annexure-1.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) scheme, 18/11/2016. The ICDS Scheme started in 1975 was universalized in 2008-09 preceded by rapid expansion in the years 2005-06 to 2008-09 so as to cover all habitations, including Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes and minority population, across the country with the approval of 7076 ICDS Projects and 14 lakh Anganwadi Centres. Against 7076 sanctioned Projects and 14 lakh sanctioned Anganwadi Centres, 7073 Projects and 13.49 lakh Anganwdi Centres are operational as on 30.09.2016.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Non-Communicable Diseases, 18/11/2016. State/UT wise estimates of incidence and death due to cancer, as furnished by ICMR, for
last three years and current year are at Annexure-I & II. Government of India is implementing National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS) under National Health Mission (NHM) to supplement the efforts of the State Governments for the interventions up to

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Registered and Illegal Mines, 17/11/2016. As per rule 45 of the Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988, it is mandatory for all miners, traders, stockists, exporters and end-users to register with the Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM) (a subordinate office of the Ministry). The state wise detail of working/Non-working leases registered with IBM in the country is given as Annexure-I.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Hydro Power Projects, 17/11/2016. A total of 197 Hydro Power projects with an aggregate installed capacity of 43112.42 MW (including Pumped Storage Scheme) are presently under operation in the country. The state-wise details of Hydro Electric Stations under operation along with energy generated by each of the hydel power projects is given at Annex-I. In addition, 44 Hydro Electric Projects (above 25 MW) totalling to 13182 MW are under construction in the country. Details are given at Annex-II.
