This research paper, commissioned as part of the series ‘Starting Strong: the first 1000 days of the SDGs’, identifies key actions toward addressing the unfinished business of the MDGs and how to reach those who are furthest behind in relation to the new SDGs.

Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL), a global initiative launched by the United Nations in 2011, has considerable relevance to the current energy situation in South Asia. In 2010, approximately 417 million people in South Asia lacked access to electricity, equivalent to more than a third of the world’s population without access to electricity.

Policy briefs containing succinct critique of issues and sound advice to the government and civil society on a range of issues pertaining to sustainable development have been a key feature of SDPI‘s contribution to policy debate and development.

With increasing urbanization and economic growth, air pollution is becoming an urgent concern in South Asian countries Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.