This reference guide from the USAID-funded Adaptation Thought Leadership and Assessments (ATLAS) project provides an overview of the wide range of finance mechanisms available to governments to fund climate resilience initiatives at both the national and local level.

Official poverty figures for Kenya put poverty incidence at 36% in 2015/16 – a reduction in poverty of 11 percentage points since 2005/06 – however major factors remain to be overcome to further improve the translation of growth to poverty reduction.

Nepal experienced considerable poverty reduction over the last two decades.

This assessment examines the legal and regulatory environment, intergovernmental coordination, information generation and information sharing, climate change adaptation (CCA) capacity (and urban management capacity more generally), and financial resources and financial mechanisms available in South Africa to address urban CCA priorities.

This report outlines the results of a scientific study of the impacts of weather, climate variability, and climate change on health in Mozambique, with a focus on diarrheal disease and malaria.

This report examines the institutional, legal and regulatory environment, climate change adaptation and urban management capacity, and financial resources and mechanisms available to address adaptation and disaster risk reduction priorities in Madagascar’s growing cities.

This report examines the institutional, legal and regulatory environment, climate change adaptation and urban management capacity, and financial resources and mechanisms available to address adaptation and disaster risk reduction priorities in Madagascar’s growing cities.

The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of an early humanitarian response and resilience building on humanitarian outcomes in the Tigray and Somali regions of Ethiopia, both in terms of cost savings, as well as the avoided losses that can result from a more proactive response.

This report presents evidence on the effects of climate change risks on the health sector in Africa. It illustrates climate threats to health and development investments and highlights opportunities to achieve health targets in Sub-Saharan Africa in the face of climate change.

This report documents and analyzes incentives for RE power currently being implemented in several ASEAN countries: namely, feed-in tariffs, self-consumption schemes, tax incentives, soft loans, and other incentives.
