This white paper authored by SEI for the USAID Clean Power Asia programme aims to illuminate women working in the energy sectors of the four Lower Mekong countries of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, and Vietnam, as well as other Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member states, nations as part of a gender and renewable energy assessment

USAID has published a new analysis of the post-2020 climate action plans of selected developing countries, which gives climate change practitioners insights into the status of each country’s national climate strategy and can help them make strategic decisions about future activities related to the Paris Agreement.

The fourth publication in the USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific Adaptation Finance Knowledge Series presents the methodology used in the Pacific Cost-Benefit Analysis Initiative (P-CBA) training workshops, accompanied by examples from the trainings of how the methodology has been employed.

The paddy-wheat monoculture induced a decelerating agricultural trend in Punjab which has been felt in the form of stagnation in output, deteriorating productivity, environmental degradation, declining farm incomes, depeasantization and suicides by farmers.

Two years ago, USAID convened a forum and published an associated volume of essays, all under the banner of an effort called Frontiers in Development. It was designed to encourage forward-looking, provocative discussion and debate that could advance development policy and practice across the full range of relevant actors.

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’s (UNFCCC) success at storing atmospheric carbon in forests in Latin America depends on the long-term maintenance of forests. Forest maintenance in

This report, Current Challenges and Priorities for Greenhouse Gas Emission Factor Improvement in Select Asian Countries, focuses on a key initiative of the LEAD program, namely to improve GHG inventories and GHG accounting systems and practices.

USAID recognizes the need to proactively address the implications of glacier melt, including the drivers of the process and the factors that may impede adaptation.

This assessment is one of several undertaken by USAID/ Bangladesh that will provide an input into the design of new economic growth activities to be implemented under the new strategy. The mission has also contracted assessments covering such themes as gender, the Global Development Alliance, energy, agricultural productivity, nutrition, and food security.
