The Karnataka Cabinet on Friday accepted the recommendations of the high-power committee set up by the State Government to study the Lokayukta report on illegal mining especially the role of the Go
The BJP government in the state on Friday accepted a part of the July 27 report of the Karnataka Lokayukta on illegal mining by approving action against 442 government officials identified in the r
Rainwater, along with treated sewage water, when utilised properly, can meet the water requirement of nearly 50 lakh people in the City, said K C Subhash Chandra, former senior geologist, Mines and
Public awareness campaigns about pollution seems to have paid off as the City recorded a decrease in pollution levels during Deepavali celebrations compared to last year.
The Cabinet on Friday accepted the report of a high-level committee headed by Additional Chief Secretary K Jairaj that has recommended disciplinary action against 447 officials including three IAS
Bangalore The Karnataka government on Friday said that it has initiated action against 182 government officials who had been named in the Lokayukta report on illegal mining.
In an attempt to put an end to the illegal resorts mushrooming around the fringes of Bandipur tiger reserve (BTR), the Union Ministry for Environment and Forests (MoEF) has directed the State Fore