Four-lane highways, a mega desalination plant, construction of houses, schools, hospitals as well as cold storages are amongst the suggestions to the central government made by former president A.P

Former President’s support will boost Centre’s efforts to persuade protestors to lift blockade on nuclear power plant in Tamil Nadu

It has state-of-the-art features, says former President

Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India, R. Chidambaram, on Friday sought to allay fears over the safety of the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project, saying it was absolutely risk-free and designed to be safe from calamities including tsunami.

Thanks to a favourable agro-climatic condition
Horticulture crops cultivation is picking up in the district as it is having a favourable agro-climatic condition.

Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) Chairman Srikumar Banerjee on Friday expressed the hope that the Union government's committee of experts and the Tamil Nadu government's panel of its nominees and spo

The State government on Thursday announced the implementation of a Rs.44.21-crore scheme of providing sanitary napkins to adolescents, young mothers and women prisoners in rural parts of the State.

Tamil Nadu will soon come out with a renewable energy policy that will feature ambitious targets and several innovative features, M.

Personnel unable to enter plant: AEC chairman

Work at the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KKNPP) in Tamil Nadu has “halted” because the plant personnel are “unable to go inside” and this situation has arisen “when we need several thousands of people to work inside during the last phase of work” of commissioning of the first reactor there, said Srikumar Banerjee, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission.

The People's Movement Against Nuclear Energy (PMANE) has expanded its existing ‘scientific team' and constituted an ‘Expert Panel' with 21 members for inspecting the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Projec
