COIMBATORE: Biotech crops are poised for a second wave of strong adoption that will drive sustained global growth through the end of the second decade of commercialisation

The Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation (BADC) has entered the production and distribution of hybrid rice seeds to provide them to farmers at reasonable prices, officials said yesterday.

The move by the public sector entity, stakeholders observe, is expected to intensify competition in seed business dominated by private-sector players.

The Colorado State University (CSU) recently announced Dr Rajiv Khosla as the recipient of the Monfort professorship.

The Monfort Family Foundation has established a programme in which it employs faculty at the CSU and announces two members as Monfort professors.

Khosla will receive $75,000 each year to support teaching and research efforts.

'Bangla Moti'- a new variety of high- quality aromatic rice produced in Bangladesh for 'Polou', a local delicious dish of rice and meat boiled in butter will hit the market by 2012.

The government has undertaken a project considering the demand for the aromatic rice among people of the country as well in the export market, sources in the ministry of agriculture said here on Monday.

Speakers at a seminar here on Sunday said farmers in the country must switch to genetically modified cotton to obtain higher yields and better quality product.


Mandi Ahmedgarh: In an effort to join the poll campaigns of their candidates, farmers of the area falling under the Sangrur and Ludhiana districts continue to burn wheat stubble in their fields.

Two usual objections are levelled against the proposal that organic agriculture can feed the world. Organic agriculture, opponents claim, gives low yields, and there isn

Speakers at a workshop here on Monday said that the media could play the most vital role in disseminating the latest agri-technologies to the farmers for ensuring the country's food security through increasing productions.

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (Minfa) Tuesday released the findings of the baseline survey on the National Programme for Food Security and Productivity Enhancement of Small Farmers, known as Crop Maximisation Project phase-II (CMP-II).

Speaking at a seminar in Lahore the other day on "Challenges and started to experience food shortages. And experts say food scarcity is only going to get worse the world over in not-too-distant a future. Knowing that land is a finite resource, we must adopt timely measures to ensure our future food security.
