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DEWAN SINGH AGE 95 VILLAGE LATA He remembers accompanying the last expedition to Nanda Devi peak, the country's second highest peak, which falls within the Nanda Devi Biosphere reserve (NDBR).

Three years ago (July 28, 1998), the Supreme Court (sc) ruled that the total passenger bus fleet of Delhi be increased from the then figure of about 6,000 to 10,000 by April 1, 2001 and the entire

One-third of all young Chinese men would die due to smoking in the next few decades unless they change their lifestyle, states a new study by a team of international researchers. The prediction was

Rejecting the pleas of conservationists, the constitutional tribunal of Ecuador has taken a decision which would cause irreparable damage to the Mindo ecological reserve (see Down To Earth , Vol

The cse panel of experts after completing their investigation concluded, "In an international perspective, we consider

Do Arundhati Roy and M L Khurana understand what they are doing by undermining yet another institution of our democracy?

Cairo embraces CNG in a big way

Air pollution levels rise drastically in Asia; push health costs

Why doesn t Naik simply say: What does it matter if a million or more die because of air pollution?

A public sector company of the Philippines is setting up the biggest wind power project in Southeast Asia, claims the country's energy secretary Vincent Perez. The first commercial operation of
