Enable Block: 

It is difficult to discern the proportion of blood lead (PbB) attributable to ambient air lead (PbA) given the multitude of lead (Pb) sources and pathways of exposure. The PbB-PbA relationship has previously been evaluated across populations. This relationship was a central consideration in the 2008 review of the Pb national ambient air quality standards. The objectives of this study are to evaluate the relationship between PbB and PbA concentrations among children nationwide for recent years and to compare the relationship with those obtained from other studies in the literature.

New Delhi: It’s not power or water that is weighing on their minds. People living close to the Okhla waste to energy plant have decided to vote in the general election to demand clean air.

नगर में सालाना बढ़ रहे 22.5 हजार श्वांस रोगी

कानपुर: शहर वासियों ने अपने लिए खुद कांटे बोए हैं और इसका खामियाजा भी भुगत रहे हैं। हर साल 22.5 हजार श्वांस व चेस्ट के रोगी बढ़ रहे हैं। मुरारी लाल चेस्ट हास्पिटल के विभागाध्यक्ष डॉ. सुधीर चौधरी कहते हैं कि प्रदूषण की मुख्य वजह जर्जर सड़कें, अतिक्रमण, ट्रैफिक जाम, जरा सी दूरी के लिए वाहन के उपयोग की प्रवृत्ति, धुआं उगलते जेनरेटर एवं कल कारखाने हैं। इस वजह से वायुमंडल में सस्पेंडेट पार्टकिल, नाइटिक आक्साइड, सल्फर डाई आक्साइड एवं कार्बन डाईआक्साइड की बढ़ती जा रही है। मार्निग वाक पर जाने वाले एवं खेलने वाले बच्चे जो तेजी से सांस लेते हैं, प्रदूषण के शिकार होकर सांस के रोगी बन रहे हैं।

अब आटोमैटिक एयर क्वालिटी मानीटरिंग सिस्टम से वायु प्रदूषण को नियंत्रित किया जाएगा। शहर के व्यस्ततम ट्रैफिक क्षेत्रों और इंडस्ट्रियल एरिया से सटी बस्तियों को इसके लिए चुना गया है।

Ludhiana and Kanpur are among the 10 most polluted cities in the world, says the World Health Organisation.

New Delhi: Only 3% of enquires on a toll-free weather and air quality call service are on pollution levels.

PARIS: Paris authorities said today they would make public transport free for three days to encourage drivers to leave their vehicles behind due to severe pollution caused by unusually warm weather

Only three out of the 74 cities monitored by the government met a new air quality standard

Japanese electronics giant Panasonic said today it would give employees sent to China a wage premium to compensate for the country's hazardous air pollution, in a possible first for an international company.

The temple city of Tirupati, a cultural centre and a major pilgrimage destination in southern India, might be succumbing to a phenomenon common to urban areas.

There has been steady rise in population and the usage of vehicles here, which in turn contribute to increasing pollution levels of the city, a study by city-based researchers has revealed.

Lucknow: The air is loaded with not just the festive spirit, it also contains allergens that cause problems for those living with asthma. More than 60,000 persons in the city have this ailment.

“Exposure to allergens and irritants like dust, pollution, pollen and smoke triggers asthma which is highly underdiagnosed and under-treated,” says professor Suryakant, head of pulmonary medicine department, King George's Medical University. “Asthma attacks prevent an individual from leading a normal life despite it being easily manageable through timely diagnosis, proper management and adequate treatment plan,” he adds.
