Enable Block: 

Indian Institute of Toxicology Research report cites addition of 1,28,217 vehicles on capital roads as main reason.

LUCKNOW: Level of air pollution in the city is higher than it was in previous pre-monsoon assessments.

The city witnessed high pollution last weekend as the concentration of particulate matter (PM10) suspended in the atmosphere exceeded the permissible limit of 100 micro grams per cubic metre.

Rising pollution levels in the City over a period have led to an increase in the number of health ailments among citizens.

KOLHAPUR: The increasing use of vehicles has led to consistent rise in air pollution levels, affecting the environment and health of the city.

Respiratory suspended particle in the city’s air is way above the permissible level.

Experts said that actions to curb air pollution has always been hampered by the lack of political will, irrespective of parties, to take decisions that might harm them electorally.

RSPM levels continue to be above the permissible limit

While the world celebrates World Environment Day, the city can only observe it as a day to pay homage to the ‘clean environment’ that has long since gone from the city.

A body of literature has developed suggesting an elevated risk of lung cancer associated with particulate matter and traffic-related pollutants. The researchers examined the relation of lung cancer incidence with long-term residential exposures to ambient particulate matter and residential distance to roadway, as a proxy for traffic-related exposures.
