THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The Cabinet gave sanction to a greenfield airport at Aranmula. However, the land should be acquired by the promoters and the government will not provide any financial support.

Dhaval Kulkarni

While reiterating that the alignment of the runways at the proposed Navi Mumbai International Airport would not be compromised and that the diversion of the Gadhi river would be minimised to the extent possible, the Maharashtra government said on Thursday that it was willing to sacrifice some area that it has planned to include in the project towards the north, and shift non-ae

Mumbai: Thursday brought a breakthrough in the standoff between Union and state governments over the environmental clearance to Mumbai

THE Union environment and forest ministry

Mumbai A team of Union Civil Aviation Ministry officials is expected to visit the site of the proposed Greenfield Navi Mumbai International Airport on Thursday to consider changes in the plan to divert the Gadhi river and reduce the damage to eco-sensitive areas, officials said.

In a meeting with the Expert Appraisal Committee last month in New Delhi, the state government had said that it would

Of around 302 bird hits reported in 2009 at 79 airports in the country, close to 54 occurred in Mumbai.

Responding to an RTI query by DNA, the Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) said the number of bird hits in the city had gone up from 26 in 2007 to 54.

However, the DGCA revealed that Delhi still recorded the maximum number of hits each year.

A NEAR total bandh was observed here in the areas close to the airport to express the residents' opposition towards expansion plans for Coimbatore airport as they stand to lose their houses.

Goa government in its submission to the High Court has rejected the contention of people affected by Mopa airport project that land for the Greenfield airport project should be acquired by Central government and not by the State.
Advocate General Subhod Kantak told the court today that the state government will own Mopa airport even though it will be managed by a private party.

Aircraft emissions impact human health though degradation of air quality. The majority of previous analyses of air quality impacts from aviation have considered only landing and takeoff emissions. We show that aircraft cruise emissions impact human health over a hemispheric scale and provide the first estimate of premature mortalities attributable to aircraft emissions globally. We estimate ∼8000 premature mortalities per year are attributable to aircraft cruise emissions.

Aircraft emissions impact human health though degradation of air quality. The majority of previous analyses of air quality impacts from aviation have considered only landing and takeoff emissions. We show that aircraft cruise emissions impact human health over a hemispheric scale and provide the first estimate of premature mortalities attributable to aircraft emissions globally.
