With lax regulations and a huge mercury loss unaccounted for, a disaster is waiting to happen in India

If the industry wants to survive in an environmentally conscious world, the search for chlorine alternatives must go hand in hand with product stewardship

An exhaustive life cycle analysis of players in the Indian caustic chlorine sector and its impact on environment. Deals extensively with the alarming issue of mercy pollution, its deadly effects. A comparative study with the global scenario.

The Indian automobile industry gets a rude shock: its pedestrian performance makes winners look like losers

GRP followed a life cycle analysis and set up parameters in accordance

The multinational ranks third but its performance cannot be a badge of success on its huge corporate shoulders

For his outstanding work in fighting malaria, V P Sharma gets the Green Scientist Award 2001

In-depth Life Cycle Analysis of the environmental performance of major players in the Indian automobile sector. Also analyses technological issues, comaprative analysis of best practices with global players and recommends future outlook.

This year's Nobel laureates
