The Renewable Energy for Rural Livelihoods (RERL) project tries to demonstrate the use of renewable sources of energy in reducing poverty through improved quality of life and increased livelihood opportunities in remote, non-electrified villages of India that are not likely to get electricity from the grid.

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Tribal communities of Baran district have been able to regain their food sovereignty by preserving local seeds. The women groups have revived their traditional seed storage techniques to preserve seeds in the seed banks. Seed banks have provided assured access to seeds even during the times of drought.

The Chhabra super thermal power station under construction in Baran district of Rajasthan crossed an important milestone on Wednesday with the successful completion of the boiler's hydraulic test in the first unit of 250 MW capacity. The unit is scheduled to start power production in August this year. The super thermal power project, being constructed in Chowki Motipura village, will initially comprise two units of 250 MW each. The second unit is likely to be functional by November this year.

The Sahariyas, a tribal community inhabiting Baran district of Rajasthan, are fighting to stave off hunger and death; 15 of them, mostly malnourished children, have died since July without medical care. The one-time hunter-gatherers demand work even as politicians debate whether the deaths were due to hunger or disease.
