UJJAIN: The Madhya Pradesh high court has issued a fresh direction for the removal of those brick kilns which operate within 100m from highways, canals, nullahs and public places in Ujjain.

With the production of bricks coming to a halt, leading to a sharp escalation in its prices, the state government has upped its efforts to convince brick kiln owners to resume production by getting

Ludhiana: Members of the Ludhiana Builders’ Association have complained to the government that the state’s building industry is in the grips of a very active mining mafia.

As India's capital, Delhi has grown across sectors - industry, transport, and housing - which contribute to an increase in air pollution. This, in turn, has increased health risks, which are refl ected in a rise in respiratory ailments. While the benefi ts of some interventions in the transport sector have been apparent, it is time to focus on low-hanging fruit in other sectors in order to improve air quality and public health in the city.

In the presence of the environment and forests minister, owners of some industries, largely responsible for vitiating environment, yesterday demanded that the government stop anti-pollution drives

This report by USEPA identifies and evaluates the low cost and high-impact opportunities to reduce black carbon emissions in South Asia in the industrial, transportation and residential sectors.

The Department of Environment (DoE) fined two brick kilns in Narayanganj Bandar area Tk 15 lakh for harming the environment through using farmland topsoil to establish brick kilns.

Dust pollution in Dhaka air remains above the danger level one-third of the year, said minister for environment Hasan Mahmud in parliament, attributing it to open-air construction works and road di

No traditional brick kiln will be allowed to operate after September this year as they cause huge environment pollution by emitting carbon, Environment and Forests Minister Hasan Mahmud told parlia

Several hundred acres of cultivable land in the district loses fertility every year as brick kilns are collecting huge quantities of earth from the topsoil of agricultural lands for making bricks.
