The Union government's ineptness in dealing with technology finds a new victim: Delhi's metro rail project

The Himalaya is the youngest range of mountains in the world are immensely prone to earthquakes. The entire range falls in seismic zone 5 and 4 it is highly prone to earthquakes of destructive intensity. The major Indian towns in the Himalaya have all g

Earthquakes don't kill; badly built houses do. A look into houses in India that have withstood several earthquakes

Houses that hold on

Assam type solution

A developing country like India, with a variety of building practices and social and economic structure, needs to evolve its own strategies for seismic hazard evaluation. Occurrence of few damaging earthquakes during the last decade has pointed to our shortcoming in risk reduction programmes.

Asbestos makes homes, but it also causes cancer. The indestructible substance is increasingly being cast aside by developed countries, Canada being one of the exceptions. It continues to export asbestos to developing countries such as India, where the w

Dumping and disposal of fly ash discharged from coal or lignite based thermal power plants on land

Urban dwellers spend 80 per cent to 90 per cent of their time indoors in an environment that is dange

Do not throw away those old telephone books and fruit juice packs, build your walls with them. Australia's national research centre, CSIRO, is backing a project to turn these "raw' ingredients into
